
Efficient and sure burnout

If you haven't achieved burnout yet, this is a summary of some basic principles. Always make sure to look for weak leadership in a workplace, it is the foundation.

1. Overload Yourself with Work: Take on as many tasks and projects as possible. Work long hours without breaks and ensure your workload is always unmanageable. If you don't do it, who will, and feeling irreplaceable is a bonus.

2. Relinquish Control: Avoid making decisions about your work and feel powerless over your schedule and tasks. Let others dictate your workload and priorities.

3. Seek Insufficient Rewards: Strive for minimal recognition and settle for inadequate compensation. Avoid seeking appreciation or rewards for your hard work. It's not about ego, and in the end, the hard worker always gets the true reward, right?

4. Isolate Yourself: Minimize interactions with colleagues and avoid building supportive relationships at work. Engage in conflicts and avoid seeking help or support. A capable person should know how to handle it themself, and, asking for help is a sign of weakness!

5. Embrace Unfair Treatment: Accept favoritism, bias, and inequality without protest. Allow yourself to be treated unfairly and do nothing about it. You are above that!

6. Ignore Value Alignment: Work in an environment where your personal values clash with the organization’s values. Avoid seeking jobs that align with your beliefs. Everyone has to do it, it's not a world where we can choose where to work, and with what.

7. Surrender Autonomy: Give up any control over how you do your work. Follow rigid procedures without seeking flexibility or independence. After all, rules are rules, and they are there for a reason, right?

8. Embrace Unclear Expectations: Thrive in environments where job expectations are vague or constantly changing. Avoid clarifying your role and responsibilities. It keeps it spicy and allows you some wiggle room too, so no harm done!

9. Avoid Work-Life Balance: Allow work to consume all your time and energy, leaving no room for personal life or relaxation. Avoid setting boundaries between work and personal time - after all, success comes to those with grit, and once you have "made it" you can relax and watch your grown kids.

10. Embrace Monotony: Engage in repetitive, monotonous tasks without seeking variety or creative opportunities. Avoid innovation and stick to routine work. After all, if you keep your head down and make sure you have done what you were supposed to, you can't be criticized.

11. Look for Lack of Impact: Convince yourself that your work doesn’t matter and that you’re not making a difference. Avoid seeking roles where you feel valued and impactful - you don't need that ego stuff!

12. Thrive in High-Stress Environments: Seek out high-pressure jobs with constant performance demands. Embrace stress as a constant companion in your work life and wear it like a badge, like someone you grew up around?

Following these instructions will help you achieve burnout efficiently and effectively.

P.S. Works in a relationship as well.

Further Reading