If you come to me, you are looking to change a thought, a feeling or behaviour. Every thought, emotion and behaviour is connected and has a purpose: to avoid danger, or gain pleasure. Apart from this you have neurological conditioning that can create phobias, anxiety and other trauma-related reactions that may need to be reset. My methods allow us to address your conscious mind, your neurological reactions and your subconcious patterns.
Thoughts can be voluntary and thoughts can come to your mind uninvited. Both thoughts and beliefs can be fantasies, and affect us greatly - yet both will be overridden by emotion. Sometimes you need to question your beliefs and retrain your thoughts. I use are hypnosis, NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), Clean Communication and solution focused positive sport psychology.
Every emotion is a messenger about something you are reacting to in your life. It can be saying that you need food, water, rest, social joy or some solitude - or alert you to something that you need to resolve, or learn to handle. Medicating emotions is like silencing the messenger or driving without a windshield. I address emotions with hypnosis, NLP and Clean Language or self regulation through tapping, Havening and other somatic interventions that downregulate arousal.
Every behaviour has an intent, and in my experience and view of the world it is always to protect you in some way. I have yet not met anybody with a self destructive behaviour. If you have a habit you find hard to change, then it is probably addressing something else that you have no better solution for yet.