
The art of training slaves - understanding abusive narcissists

The art of training slaves is Inspired by The Screwtape Letters, by CS Lewis where a demon instructs his nephew how to ruin and enslave a human soul.

Mammals can be conditioned and trained to do really bizarre things. A killer whale can be cajoled into believing it wants to jump through hoops, literally, for sardines. Dogs can be trained to find bombs, and to kill humans on command.

People are mammals. You can train them to be your slaves.

If you want to train a human, it is simple, and cruel. Leave your empathy at the door, or rather, try to be born without it. This seems to be possible for many different reasons:

A hit to the head in young age

  • A lot of people in prison for crimes of violence, lack impulse control and empathy. Anger = violence. Many of them have had a hit to the head in young age. There is a theory that impulse control may simply be damaged. If you've had multiple hits on your forehead, chances are you are home free of other peoples emotions getting in the way of your pleasure and comfort. Hide it and use it.

Cultural conditioning

  • If you grow up and see your mother being beat up every day you can go in different directions, either "this is so wrong and I'll try to defend her" sometimes with the twist "why doesn't she protest, it's probably impossible, I can't leave her here and let her down" - but for you, it gave you context and values. If mothers allow themselves to be hit, they obviously like it, and it shure works for dad.
  • ISIS trains children to be able to decapitate westerners from toddler age, showing videos of decapitations explaining "you did this" and "you can do this" and have them participate and see this live from early age. If this is what you grow up with and what "everyone does" - imagine the possibilities.
  • You are born into a time of privilege where there no longer exists such outdated concepts as "Parental Guidance" for videos and music, or an "adult section" in the book store. You will have had full access to sadistic porn, torture techniques and misogynic literature from your first iPad at 2. Obviously it's ok, or you wouldn't have had it, right?

Neurological reasons

  • Although this is more unusual, there are many cases of children that seem to have been born with a combination of being liberated from empathy and no impulse control: others emotions are strange and amusing, and of no moral value - it is fun to make them laugh or scream, or to pull their wings off. If you are one of these children you will have shown signs early, curiously torturing small animals, drowning cats and so forth. Some will have noticed, but nobody will have intervened. Surely a child cannot be born evil? Boys are boys... he will grow up (yes, more often than not, you are a boy).
  • If you grow up without empathy, the world can be a fascinating playground. You can do whatever you want, because, you don't care. Everyone else plays by rules where morals and shame and guilt seems to stop them and you don't. It can be mind blowing how easy it is to get away with almost anything, if you don't have to follow any of the expected norms.

Why they have to be kind, intelligent and, hungry

Make sure your client is intelligent. The more the better - nobody will believe them, especially if they also are considered strong and the kind of woman "who just wouldn't allow herself to be controlled by a man". This buys you a lot of time to train them, and like a slowly boiling frog even they won't believe it happened.

Make sure your client has empathy, lots of it. This is usually the case if they grew up in a home where somebody couldn't provide safety for them by being unstable, unpredictable, drunk or absent. A child that grows up in this will develop enough empathy for everyone in the family, to survive and to help them survive. She needs to have enough love for both of you, and believe that it comes from you.

A person with lots of empathy is kind, and a kind person will often think kindly of others. This will make them blind to the fact that you, are not.

They will often, if kind enough, even be more motivated to help you past your un-kindness to them, the more you display it. It gives them meaning. They "understand" you and "see past" your faults and (for others) obvious ill intents.

When you treat someone in what seems to be a cruel way, a lot of people will walk away, thinking "that is not a kind person".

But, if you first treat them in a great way, creating the illusion, in their mind, that you deep inside are a kind person, like them, and then treat them cruel, they will ask themselves "what changed?"

Because there will be no apparent explanation (because there isn't, you planned it all along) their confusion will prompt one of two possible explanations:

1: Something is wrong with you.

2: Something is wrong with them.

If they were brought up to think for themselves and to value themselves, or have learned to walk away, they may. But, if they start thinking ”it's them”, they might as well stay and learn from you, how they can either "save" you or "be loved". And at times they will attempt to walk away. And you will teach them what a bad idea that is, in many ways, some subtle, some unbelievably cruel and criminal. The more shameful things you push them through, the less likely they will be to walk away, because, in some cases, it will make them hate themselves, and therefore, deserve it. Voila!

Make sure they are hungry

The first step to training a mammal is to get it close enough. You can win a hungry dog with a piece of bread.

To get it to lower it's common sense and safety radar by being kind in some way. Offer it a smile to begin with. Some people come with a hunger for love and being seen and understood that is enormous. Learn to spot them.

They can be Miss Perfect. You can tell by their make up, their nails, their clothes. They will have great education, a good job with a great salary (bonus) and they have been taught grit: don't give up, be the best. This can make them overstay in your cult-ivation. These are easy buttons to press - they are already conditioned that being perfect is desirable and good, and that authority of a man (usually their dad) is to be desired and obeyed. Bonus if their dads aren't so good at "feelings".

They can also be the bullied ones, the autistic, the ones that have neglective parents, the ones with a sibling that is a "golden child" and they are the "black sheep" and so they feel "outcast" and long for a "tribe". The ones that hate their father for not loving them, and will project this hate on you if you resemble him, and make them want to fuck your brains out in revenge on a strange and still very understandable level. Not because they lust for their father, but because having a sexual female "control" over you gives them a sense of "power" that they feel they have lacked in early life.

Regardless, just make sure they are hungry for love, to be seen, to be understood, to feel connected to another soul. And remember to tell them "it is not a crime to want to be loved or to love". The hungrier they are, the easier it will be.

The dopamine...

Drugs are contagious because they give an undeniable rush of pleasure. This ties into the dopamine receptors of us mammals. Overload dopamine and pleasure will result. Once pleasure is present, conditioning is simple - you can get a child to do lots of things for candy, and an older child for simple stuff like alcohol or cigarettes or anything else they have been told is "naughty" or "forbidden. With mature humans sex is a great dopamine kick, learn how to press the buttons, and if all you are thinking of is their pleasure, at first, you will be considered a "great and considerate, sensitive lover". With dogs, just find where they like to be scratched, and scratch them that way. The will rub up against you every time they see you, and wag their tails when you get close. Make them believe they are a goddess for two minutes, and they will endure madness for a lifetime.

Once dopamine is in place and connected to you it's a matter of timing, just like all drugs: create the high, watch for the withdrawal symptoms, offer another high. At some point they will forget everything but this circle.

Isolate and trim

Most dictatorships like to control media. All information actually, because to be able to enslave a nation (or a person) you must make sure it does not believe it can overthrow you. You want "common sense" to accept your godlike authority, to long for your rewards (no matter how small) to follow you without questioning and to fear your wrath. It simply helps if you have their full attention.

With nations you create borders and border control. With humans you isolate them into the nation of you.

  • Make love for days, until they forget the outside world (drugs can help with this). This is a dopamine foundation for everything. This is the "when it's good it's so great, if only he would be like this always, maybe he will be like this again?"
  • Start picking them up at work. They will appreciate it as kindness at first.
  • Have them skip meeting friends for a lovely time home. Once or twice is enough, to establish a principle.
  • Ask them to move in with you, and leave their home behind
  • To travel with you to a far away place they don't know and control
  • Tell them to sell their securities and burn their bridges, you will provide

Make sure they are knee deep into this

  • Have them lend you a large sum of money to tie them to you
  • Have them start a business with you
  • Have them buy a car with you
  • Make them have a baby with you

Find their pots of gold

By looking deep into their eyes and being curious about every single dream and experience they have had and wish to have, you can create the illusion that you care, which will press every button of a hungry person - while making a list of every button you can press for the next step of hot/cold. The more they tell, the more you ask. If you reveal something that seems vulnerable and shameful about yourself (don't let truth get in the way) it will make them do the same.

Once you have their deepest secrets, their most shameful memories, you know what motivates them, gives them hope makes them aroused, and scares the living shit out of them. A blueprint for slavery.

Hot/Cold conditioning

If they for a moment, think there may be something wrong with them, you have them in a training loop similar to how dogs are trained, in unkind ways, that work.

You will switch between that sweet love they hunger for (hot) and being truly condescending as if they are despicable (cold). You have now started hot/cold conditioning. The goal is to keep them off balance, so that they will be too confused to run away, while maintaining a small sliver of hope "if you only get this right, there will be so much love".

If they have an inherent kindness, that looks for good in people, they will stay longer and give you another chance, and another.

Their kind of kindness can be the result of growing up with one or more parents that did not give authentic love. It may have conditioned them to not give up so easily, because, as a child they wanted to be able to love their parents, rather than say "they have no empathy, I need to leave".

Make them believe you are the only person in the world that truly understands them, and see their  potential, and their most despicable traits.

By keeping them in a constant confusion of great sex, then really bad sex, then praise, then sudden critique, in a way that they are convinced "nobody would do" they will eventually come to the conclusion that it "must be them".

Social chess

Since you have their innermost vulnerable secrets, you also know a lot about all their friends, and their friends secrets.

Think chess:

  • How can I use these people to benefit my scheme, if I care nothing about their well-being or the well-being of my client. 
  • Who can I attack
  • Who can I enlist
  • Who can I turn

Possibilities are endless:

  • A small embarrassing comment when you meet their supposedly best friend in front of you, can signal "I know her better than you". It's all about "ownership".
  • Telling her best friend "I am worried about her, she seems to be doubting herself lately" or something like this, will signal to the friend "he really seems to care, and knows what to do". This buys time for training.
  • Make sure you have a sob-story that you have told her, that she shares with her friends, so you can spot the empathisers and sympathisers and fixers. Enlist, enlist, enlist. You may even be able to create a triangle drama by coaching them into sleeping with you, after having heard how great you are, and wanting to help. They will, if they're hungry.

Mixing sardines with violence

If you train a killer whale, violence will not be an option. With most other mammals, it works. They will become jumpy and nervous, but they will also become predictable. If you don't care about their well-being, raw violence beyond what they can imagine or saw coming, will create a state of utmost fear, where anything is possible, because, if they don't allow it, there will be even more. A loop of possibilities.

Some real cases to be inspired by

High status and income gives you a lot of protection. An academic in mid-Europe working in the field of trauma once pushed his then pregnant wife down the stairs of their home. A perfect cover to have that profession. Nobody believed her. Statistically there is not difference in how you, as a perpetrator, are schooled or what address you live at. Rather contrary, intelligence, the right contacts and lack of empathy will place you high in most corporate environments.

Another advantage of coming from a family with a reputation, is that the family will protect you to protect their reputation. Anybody pregnant or claiming to have been groped or abused or raped, will be compensated or fired, in whatever way is most effective. An executive in a family owned jewelry business in northern Europe got away regularly raping young and ambitious employees at company gatherings. These womens hunger is their ambition, they will tolerate it as "part of the game" just like many artists and models. There is ample support as long as you protect family values and reputation enough. Watch out for tabloids though.

Some professions will help put vulnerable, broken and hungry women in your path. A priest in the north of Europe juggled a new wife out of her belongings while allowing previous wife's to have keys to the house (and sex) under the pretext that it was "so practical because they can help with their kids". A woman in love who is hungry enough will accept strange deals like this if they are offered with the right timing and isolation.

Coming from prison also helps put super empathetic women looking to save the world, and you, in your path. Enroll in every program there is with volunteers or psychologists. Press their buttons by mixing "incredible improvement, wow, you have really made me see the light for the first time, you are so special and smart" with violence explained by "gee, it seems there is some bad left in me, please say you will stay with me and ride this out, while I force you to have sex". It's all about timing. Not too much, not too little. The pleasure, the forbidden, the meaning.

A very respected citizen who hunted as a hobby, would regularly have his wife wake up looking into his loaded shotgun. It was incredibly effective, and nobody would believe her. As long as she was sure he was capable of actually killing her and "burying her in the woods like any other deer" she would accept years of abuse and regular rape, and still dress up and represent him at social gatherings. She was confused, hungry, conditioned and, afraid to let go of the status and face the shame of having been a "victim". She believed it would harm her parents and children. She was intelligent and it didn’t help her either.

See how useful shame can be?

Further Reading